Headline for this picture?
Local Woman Discovers Time Saving Practice, Making Breakfast While She Showers!
No, alas, here's the true story.
I awoke and realized that I, MOM, was the only person currently awake chez nous. I quickly seized upon the idea of having a shower, alone and uninterrupted. I painstakingly extracted myself from between two sleeping babes, found a robe and slippers and tiptoed downstairs for a cup of coffee. I grabbed the baby monitor from the counter and walked back upstairs to the bathroom. Put down the coffee and went to plug in the monitor. It was then that I noticed, I had failed to get the baby monitor, but had brought the toaster.
In my defense, they sit right beside each other on the kitchen counter, they are both white in color and they both make a buzzing sound.
By the time I'd gone back to the kitchen for the correct item, Henry was awake and my shower remained just a dream.
This was obviously a cry for help.
I think you need a vacation!
I have actually learned how to time myself perfectly while taking a shower to cook something!!! (Not in the shower with me Cramer style, don't think I haven't been asked)
I know this talent can not be transferred to you because just as much as you would be great at it, your entourage would not be able to leave it alone and soon there after a bigger mess would develop.
Wanna go to Cancun? John, Mom and Dad can take care of the kids for a long weekend right??? :D
HI there...saw your comment on Margaret's blog and my dear wife Michaela said that she went to school with you and that you are Gina's cousin.
So, I guess we have something in common.
Except, of course, for taking toasters into the shower. I can't stand soggy toast.
This is the level of brain freeze that mothers are reduced to!
I just love it!
Just tagged you over at my blog.
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