Going to the store with three kids and a broken foot:
Put one year old and four year old in cart.
Let seven year old have the "special helper" job of pushing the cart. ( I left the ten year old at home.)
Try to keep up with the speedy seven year old, while new at this crutches thing.
Scream, "Stop, there are cars coming!" three times before even reaching the store.
Apologize to all the old ladies who get hit by the cart with the seven year old pushing.
Tell the four year old, "No, you have to stay in the cart. No, you cannot push the cart."
Fail miserably with this, and end up with the four year old, out of the cart, pushing the one year old headlong into a display of canned goods.
Apologize profusely to the store manager.
Ignore the one year old's cries to be carried through the entire check out process.
Finally leave the store, head hung in shame.
Go home and have a big glass of Merlot.
I actually found out today that I don't need a cast. I have a big boot thing on it for the next 5 weeks. I can walk on it, which is really good because the crutches were awful!
Well Hey there crazy broken foot lady!! Didn't anyone tell you BEFORE you broke your foot that it would be a bad idea!!
But just think of all the great blog posts you'll get out of it!!
DH is looking for work in my area--any leads. Carpentry to law clerking. He does it all! nfortunately there are few jobs around right now. I think he's a trend setter--Great Depression here we come!
Best to you!
Hi Melanie!
Great Blog! Love seeing the kids growing up! I too have recently suffered injuries and been in the store with the kiddos. We were in a department store shopping when a whole wall of glass classes (with dress shirts) shattered cutting my head and earned me a trip to the ER! But I am fine, no stitches, and the kids were not hurt either. I think of a comment you made to me years ago...you said "I never knew how painful motherhood could be"! I see your point!
Luv ya
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