Saturday, September 20, 2008

Kollman's Krazy Punkins!

The kids have opened a pumpkin selling business! Come on over and get yourself some!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

To each child, what they can handle!

I just told Rubie she was "extremely annoying." Great mothering, huh? Fortunately, Rubie is non-plussed by these types of comments....on the other hand, Reggie would go to his room and cry for a day or two if I had said the same to him. Lily would laugh and continue the annoyance; hey, it got her attention! We'll see about Henry...

Monday, September 15, 2008


Lily is quite a human being! She can belt out a Broadway tune like no 4-year-old I've ever met! She loves to cuddle and to play, but is often quite serious. Being the third in the family, she can compete with the big kids when it comes to getting her way. She doesn't like to pose for pictures, so it's difficult to show what a beautiful girl she is! She also has a very funny way of talking, she sounds like she has a Brooklyn accent!
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Reggie is a great guy! He loves to hike and his best smiles can be found on top of mountains! He's way too hard on himself, and would tell you that he's not really good at anything (except video games, of course). But, I know him to be a wonderful reader, a very fast runner and a clever puzzle-solver. Reggie would make any mother proud, he's a sensitive and caring 10-year-old boy!

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Sunday, September 14, 2008


Rubie is the sweetest girl. She always rushes to help a sibling in distress, is kind and amazingly generous. However, don't cross her! She has a quick temper and you'll know it if you've upset her!
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This is Henry. Inquisitive, sensitive, sweet, rascally rabbit!

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About Me

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Maine, United States
Wife to John since 1995. Mother to Reggie (11) Rubie (8) Lily (5) & Henry (2)